> I am wondering about this vote though.  Why now?  and what's the
> significance of POI/Jakarta svn access merging?  To me it seems the
> flattening of svn is of little significance.  After a year with the
> new structure, I see individual cases where committers have
> cross-pollinated (in commons, perhaps) but it hasn't seemed to make a
> big impact for many subprojects.

Its about reaching the end of a process which was intended to stop jakarta 
being too big and containing insular sub-projects, a situation which was 
felt to be a threat to the nature of the ASF, the rest of Jakarta has 
pretty much accomodated this change POI have made no moves, it isn't going 
to go away until either POI becomes part of the flat jakarta or leaves to 
become a TLP, there isn't really any way that POI could be a "special 
case" when Ant, Avalon, Gump, James, Logging, Lucene, Maven, Jetspeed, 
Struts, Tapestry, Tomcat, Watchdog, and others, have had to face the same 
decision, and in many cases had similar reservations about both opening up 
and leaving.

Jakarta is part of the ASF, it isn't an alternative entity. There isn't 
and should not be a hierarchy of management and oversight, it should be 
Board->PMC and no deeper than that. That means participate in flat jakarta 
or move up to TLP.


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