hellian ha scritto:
Hi I have successfully configured Apache Jmes Server but I can not send mail
using my DNS because my ISP does not have MX record. Could someone tell me
how can I get a free DNS service on the web with MX facility so that I can
send mail using that DNS?


Please use the user list for this questions, next time.

Either I don't understand your question or it seems you are confused about DNS/MX records and email in general.

To send mail you have to use any recursive DNS server. The one your provider assign to you when you connect to the internet are ok for this. "my ISP does not have MX record" is something I don't understand. Do they prune every MX record from DNS responses? I don't think so.

JAMES uses DNS server to decide where to deliver mail.
If you want to deliver a mail to @example.com then JAMES looks up the MX record for the example.com domain, (let's say it is smtp.example.com) and then connect to smtp.example.com to send the message.

If you instead want to setup JAMES Server to receive mail then you need your own domain and you have to be able to add an MX record to that domain


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