---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Vice President, Brand Management" <>
Date: 13 Mar 2015 14:51
Subject: Take Action: best practice is to register your project trademark
To: "Apache Trademark Registrations" <>

(please reply-to tm-registrations@, and *not* to pmcs@)

For projects interested in promoting their brand and having a
long-lived, vibrant project community, the ASF recommends some simple
steps, including registering your project's trademark:

Ensuring your project is actively recruiting new contributors,
consistently displaying your projects' brand, and requesting that the
ASF formally register your project name as a trademark are all best
practices for Apache projects.

Registering your product trademarks has several benefits:

- Reduces the risk of future conflicts, since most software vendors
search trademark registries before attempting to use a related name.

- Greatly improves our ability to police third party use of the name,
since other organizations understand what registered trademarks are and
will quickly comply with our requests.

- Improves our ability to defend the name in the rare cases of a
challenge, usually only from aggressive companies in other first-to-file

All of these things help to ensure that the ASF can efficiently defend
our project brands and ensure that our projects can operate
independently from undue commercial influence.



The board expects that PMCs will lead and actively manage their
project's brand with a similar care to how they manage their community
and code.  Please be sure your PMC understands these links:

  PMC Branding Responsibilities

  Apache Brand Use Reporting Guidelines

If your PMC or community has any questions about brand management,
trademarks, or related services that the ASF can provide for projects,
please email us on the privately archived mailing
list.  Questions specifically about trademark registrations should go to
the privately archived mailing list.


- Shane Curcuru
  Vice President, Brand Management
  The Apache Software Foundation

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