Hi group,

I asked this half a year ago and I'm asking again as work on Tizen has progressed:

Does anyone of you know what (if any) accessibility features (magnification, screen reader) will be baked into the system (like VoiceOver in iOs anf TalkBack in Android)?Is there any documentation on that, anywhere?


Detlev Fischer PhD
DIAS GmbH - Daten, Informationssysteme und Analysen im Sozialen
Geschäftsführung: Thomas Lilienthal, Michael Zapp

Telefon: +49-40-43 18 75-25
Mobile: +49-157 7-170 73 84
Fax: +49-40-43 18 75-19
E-Mail: fisc...@dias.de

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Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 58 167
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Lilienthal, Michael Zapp

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