Hi Olivier, Mats, All,

On 11.06.2015 16:38, Mats Wichmann wrote:
On 06/10/15 23:06, Olivier Nyssen wrote:
Hello everyone,

There are many dev questions on Stack Overflow which remain unanswered.
Official support would be welcome imo
It is not pleasant to see so many unanswered questions about Tizen at Stack Overflow. On the other hand it is good to see that the interest in Tizen application development is increasing. After all, I am sure that there are also unanswered questions for Android and iOS.
We should find some way to support this better, yes (here I'm speaking
as an individual supporting the notion that Stackoverflow is now one of
the most important channels for a project, sometimes more so than the
ones the project sets up itself. Obviously I'm not committing my
employer to anything :)
I share the same opinion.

Stack Overflow and GitHub are the pivots of developer communities nowadays. In my personal opinion it is up the Tizen community managers to attract a critical mass of application developers and to encourage them to share their knowledge in Stack Overflow as well as in the existing infrastructure at tizen.org. Based on my experience from other communities one of the best way is through gamification.

Best regards,

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Leon Anavi
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