On 06/11/15 08:22, Leon Anavi wrote:

> It is not pleasant to see so many unanswered questions about Tizen at
> Stack Overflow. On the other hand it is good to see that the interest in
> Tizen application development is increasing. After all, I am sure that
> there are also unanswered questions for Android and iOS.
>> We should find some way to support this better, yes (here I'm speaking
>> as an individual supporting the notion that Stackoverflow is now one of
>> the most important channels for a project, sometimes more so than the
>> ones the project sets up itself. Obviously I'm not committing my
>> employer to anything :)
> I share the same opinion.

I've had a look sporadically over the last week or so, and the questions
that go unanswered are not in particular ones I know how to respond to.
 We'd really need to get fairly wide buy-in to have people who can
answer all of these.  For example, caph falls in the realm of TV work,
it would be great to get someone who knows about it also get involved.

Just an observation - that "volunteer effort" probably isn't going to
get to where we want.

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