
I have bought tizen Z2 from ebay and I am iteresting in developing apps for this platform

but I am unsure if this platform is still active (so it is worth it)?


I see really old information like latest supported ubuntu is 14.04 and supported GPUs are

RADEON HD 4850, RADEON HD 5450 which are very old, same for NVIDIA and intel.

So it seems to me that this paltform is dead? (Or it is possible to run this IDE on any recent linux distribution with recent hardware (amd 6300 cpu, amd rx 460 gpu)). I have try it on Arch linux, IDE works, but emulator works only when I disable GPU acceleration and it is somehow slow (probably I need older gpu?). On my old laptop with intel and intel hd4000 it works better.

Daniel Kozak

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