On 10/21/2016 03:20 PM, Daniel Kozak wrote:
> Hello,
> I have bought tizen Z2 from ebay and I am iteresting in developing apps for 
> this platform
> but I am unsure if this platform is still active (so it is worth it)?
> From 
> https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/download/installing-tizen-studio/prerequisites
> I see really old information like latest supported ubuntu is 14.04 and 
> supported GPUs are
> RADEON HD 4850, RADEON HD 5450 which are very old, same for NVIDIA and intel.
> So it  seems to me that this paltform is dead? (Or it is possible to run this 
> IDE on any recent linux distribution with recent hardware (amd 6300 cpu, amd 
> rx 460 gpu)). I have try it on Arch linux, IDE works, but emulator works only 
> when I disable GPU acceleration and it is somehow slow (probably I need older 
> gpu?). On my old laptop with intel and intel hd4000 it works better.
> Daniel Kozak

It's active.

The intricacies of "supported host" has a lot to do with the behavior of 
emulators/simulators; the SDK itself works fine a lot of places, even ones not 
"officially supported". 
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