Author: scheels
I have this can't load library ' problem according to the FAQ ther 
are 2 soultions:

1. <b>Why indexer fails with the message like indexer: can't load library 

You probably don't have MySQL libraries properly installed. On Linux just find out 
where is your and enter the path to that file to /etc/ 
Then run ldconfig as root. </b>

I have asked my host to run ldconfig as root which they have refused. What do I do 

2. Alternatively i tried: 
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql/ 

After this indexing went ok. But If I log off telnet and back in again the samme error 
occours. How do I tell the linux to remember this path info permanently? (i have not 
got root access). 

The missing path may also be the reason I get an internal server error 500 when 
running search.cgi from the browser since it also ask for this path when run from the 
command line in telnet. If I add the path like above search.cgi produces some html in 
the telnet window and no error messages. Any ideas how to add this path info 

I there a way to alter a config file somewhere in the mnogosearch package to include 
the missing lib?


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