Author: Dominique Chiron
Recipe for installing MnoGoSearch on OSX
(this is a first draft on this, please be indulgent whit us)

ingredients :
a Mac supporting OSX ;-) (an iMac is cool also)
Tenon iTools pkg ( including Apache, wuftpd, sendmail, mysql,php4 etc
gcc for compilation
shell tcsh for some commands
MnoGoSearch installation for OSX. (with iTools 6.02 Tenon Apache)

MnoGoSearch Version : 3.1.12 - Platform : OSX 10.0.0

In first install theses pkg on a fresh machine with OSX

- Install iTools 6.02 ( + MySQL package 3.23 (the Tenon pkg)

- Untar.

- install iTools and configure your DNS, VHost, and a cgi-bin with appropriate rights 
0755 in wuftpd (ftpaccess) for cgi's.

- Compile MnoGoSearch with gcc and MnoGo instructions (you've got normally one warning)

- install MnoGo

- Modify 'configure' file of MySQL :

search for 'mysql.h' 
add the lines below
elif test -f /usr/local/mysql/include/mysql.h; then

- Then open tcsh (this is for a french install :-) :

                 cd ~/openup/../mnogoxxxx 
                 ./configure --with-mysql 
                 ./make install 
                 cd /usr/local/mysql/bin 
                 ./mysqladmin -p (choose passw for mysql root) 
                 ./mysqladmin create mngosearch 
                 ./mysql mngosearch < ...../create/mysql/create.txt 
                 ./mysql mngosearch < ...../create/stopwords/ 

- Finally

- Duplicate  '-dist' files of /usr/local/mngosearch and delete -dist extension.
- Configure now theses files at your convenience.
- Copy bin/search.cgi into you virtualHost (apache) cgi-bin folder
- put 0755 rights on it
- Launch sbin/indexer
- wait... (depend on the number of url's you crawl)
- when finished go with browser at http://yourhost/cgi-bin/search.cgi and testing a lot

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