Author: Anonymous
Email: Anonymous
How to cure Skitsofrenia, first step is always focus, with the right amount of open 
shakras and focus you would be able to bend the voices in your head (they're often 
caused by telepathic people with a hardon for suffer, the next step is to regress the 
damage they've done to your brain, without the actual damage no one would believe its 
a desiese hence its sometimes there
theres many ways of getting a man made desiese these days, the best known to me is 
pissing off religion, of course you'll never get any one to admit this its really 
quite tight

the final way of getting it is an odd one, take drugs.

the second way that i've found still exists by pissing people off, but this time the 
beefs with the Eric Martin Mental Health Facility in Victoria B.C, not only did i get 
my brain warped buy some over developed nurse but i got my life force drained by a 
satan worshiper, who more than likly also had a tie to my getting reliesed.
Weird shit happens a little too much in my town.

I hope this has helped you a little, and remember sometimes its real and sometimes its 

PS: In the starange case that you really do have this disease seek hollistic medicine

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