Author: Justin
The very nature of any URL that is passed in AliasProg's $1 is wrong
and messed up. That's why it's being Aliased.

My issue is with URL's that contain a single quote (') or adouble
quote ("). When every I try to pass it a script to be processed (via
$1), the shell interprets the single (or double) and waits for another
ending quote.  The problem would also be with astericks (*), because
essentially the raw URL is being processed by the shell.  Any
occurance of this type of URL will crash "indexer".

Either the URL is passed in on stdin to a shell script (specified in
AliasProg) or the URL needs to be escaped. Otherwise this problem will
persist. It's an easy fix too. Escaping the URL would probably make
the most sense, and wouldn't change the syntax of AliasProg. Maybe
adding "AliasProgStdin" directive would do it too.


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