Author: Alexander Barkov
Thanks for reporting! It's fixed in 3.1.13 sources, it will be
available today.

> The very nature of any URL that is passed in AliasProg's $1 is wrong
> and messed up. That's why it's being Aliased.
> My issue is with URL's that contain a single quote (') or adouble
> quote ("). When every I try to pass it a script to be processed (via
> $1), the shell interprets the single (or double) and waits for another
> ending quote.  The problem would also be with astericks (*), because
> essentially the raw URL is being processed by the shell.  Any
> occurance of this type of URL will crash "indexer".
> Either the URL is passed in on stdin to a shell script (specified in
> AliasProg) or the URL needs to be escaped. Otherwise this problem will
> persist. It's an easy fix too. Escaping the URL would probably make
> the most sense, and wouldn't change the syntax of AliasProg. Maybe
> adding "AliasProgStdin" directive would do it too.
> -justin

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