Danil Lavrentyuk wrote:
> Think it's not good to not have a choice even on configure stage. :-(
> Some of pages could be whriten with 'io' usage, some other may be written
> with 'ie' instaed of all 'io'. There are some traditions not to use 'io' in
> texts.
> BTW it would be good to say on this in mnoGoSearch documentations because
> ispell dictionaries could be maden with or without 'io' usage (and default is
> AFAIK without 'io').

No. All about this are written in russian ispell docs (see README.koi
from rus-ispell-0.99d4.tar.gz, for example).
For my mind, i strictly recomemded to make russian affixes for both
cases, because one part of webpages may contain 'yo', while other - 'e'.

Maxime Zakharov           http://sochi.net.ru/~maxime/
 Sochi, Russia               http://www.sochi.com/
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