Bob Sprenger wrote:
> UdmSearch version: 3.1.18/MYSQL
> Platform:          Pentium II/400
> OS:                suse linux
> Database:          MYSQL
> Statistics:         Total          0       6074
> When the indexer reads the robots.txt only the first path is in the database.....
> Sampel from robots.txt:
> Disallow: /images/ /karte/ /manual/ /neomail/images/
> In the database is only the /images/ the other paths are not stored.

Check this document:


The "/robots.txt" file usually contains a record looking like this: 

       User-agent: *
       Disallow: /cgi-bin/
       Disallow: /tmp/
       Disallow: /~joe/

In this example, three directories are excluded. 
Note that you need a separate "Disallow" line for every URL prefix you
want to exclude -- you cannot say "Disallow: /cgi-bin/ /tmp/".

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