Hi there.

We run a site that is driven by ASPSeek currently.  It works ok, but
lately has been doing some flaky things including generating 2 gig files
when they should only be about 450MB... Can't get answers from authors
or mailing list so hunting around for comparible software.

I used Mnogosearch before and it had some features that ASPSeek didn't.
However, I found ASPSeek faster to index (not overly important) but also
I found it much faster on searches with large databases.

We are looking at indexing upwards of 10 million URL's in the next few
months.  Our currently db is about 750,000 URL's.  The server is
handling fine at this time but we are prepared to upgrade as needed.
The server is a PIII-866 with 512RAM and 80 Gig RAID storage.

The Realms support is a really important feature for us as ASPSeek
doesn't support this feature and apparently has no plans (been waiting a
year to see it).

What I am looking for is some real world stats on sites that are hosting
at least a few million URL's, what they are using for hardware, how much
space/RAM they are actually *using* etc. etc... Along with URL's if at
all possible.

Also, looking for insight as to what I am getting myself into...<g>

Thanks very much,

Paul Stewart
Canadian Links

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