
On 01/06/2014 02:56 PM, Developpement Team Hodei wrote:

i have installed mnogosearch 3.2 on an unbutu server with wamp and mysql

In ly indexer.conf i'm using *DBMode=blob

*In my crontab i have this :

00 23 1 * * /usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin/indexer -d
 >/usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin/logmng 2>/usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin/logmng2
30 23 1 * * /usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin/indexer -Eblob
 >/usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin/logmng 2>/usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin/logmng2

My question :

to improve performanceis it necessary to separate the crawling/indexing
of mnogosearch engine from which users make webs research ?
in other words, is it necessary to create two servers
* 1 ubuntu server wamp / mnogosearch with the mysql database and crontab
* 1 ubuntu serverwamp / mnogosearch / wordpress (my website is on
wordpress) with the same mysql database would be replicated (frequency
like crontab) and without crontab commands (i'm using php frontend to
access mnogosearch engine)

How big is your search database?
What does "indexer -S" return?

- crawling is not CPU consuming,
  it can co-exist with indexing and search without any problems.

- indexing and search are CPU consuming

For small databases (e.g. less than 100k documents) having is single
box for all three tasks is fine.

For bigger databases with a few hundred thousand documents a box with
multiple CPU cores can also handle all three tasks.

For huge databases with millions documents separation makes some sense.
However, instead of separating crawling/indexing/search tasks, I'd
propose to consider using cluster solution described here:
It significantly improves search performance.

thanks for your help

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