On 17.12.2007 12:53:23 thomas.deweese wrote:
> Hi Cameron, Jeremias,
> > Jeremias Maerki:
> > > Another important point to consider here:
> > > The image package currently makes extensive use of Apache Commons
> > > Logging like the rest of FOP. [...]
> > > Would it be so bad if Commons (and, as a consequence, Batik) added 
> this
> > > new dependency? Is there some room for discussion and reevaluation?
> Cameron McCormack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 12/12/2007 07:34:12 PM:
> > I don?t mind so much.  I can?t talk for the other committers, though.
>      Apache Commons Logging looks like a good solution to the problem.  It 
> appears
> that it is a fairly independent module (i.e. using it doesn't imply 
> pulling in a large framework
> like Avalon). 
>      Am I correct that a minimal install on JDK 1.4+ would be just the 
> commons-logging.jar?

Yes. If you don't do anything special in a Java 1.4+ environment, JCL
logs via java.util.logging and that is silent (i.e. swallows everything)
unless you configure it accordingly.

Thanks for your feedback!

Jeremias Maerki

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