Andreas Vinsander posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,
 on Sat, 26 Mar 2005 00:39:26 +0100:

> Jay Hopping wrote:
>> if you already have a 32bit gentoo there, then you could always use it
>> to setup your file structure, and config files.
> Yep, I have an old 32 bit gentoo installation on my disk (using lvm2, and
> I really hope there are no surprises for me in that area) File structure?
> Exactly what do you mean by this? Are you refering to partition
> information from /etc/fstab? It's late and I feel a bit stupid...

I expect that was what he was referring to, yes.  You can use a similar
layout, or if you wish to change it, at least use the size information of
the various dirs when creating your new partition layout.  (KDE now has a
real nice visual size layout plugin for konqueror, in konqueror-plugins
I believe, if you are using the split kde 3.4 ebuilds, or kdeaddons from
3.3.3 I think it is, if not.  Very useful for deciding what size you want
to make various partitions, if you like splitting things up into multiple
partitions as much as I do -- with my 20 partitions, altho that includes
two copies each of the root and /usr partitions, so I have an operational
backup if something foobars the working copy.)

>> Also, when I upgraded, I just left my grub(grub has be compiled 32bit)
>> in /boot.
> Won't portage take care of doing that right for you?

The gentoo amd64 handbook, installation part, says install grub-bin, the
binary version, since it has to be compiled 32-bit and Gentoo's 64-bit
stuff isn't really ready for that yet (tho I think I read somebody had it
working).  However, if you have a 32-bit installation already there, you
can just leave the same grub in place.

Or...  I use LILO as that's what I learned when I switched from MSWormOS
and I haven't bothered learning grub yet.  When I switched from Mandrake
for AMD64, they were using the exact same lilo rpm for their 64-bit
product as for their 32-bit product, so for awhile, I just kept their
LILO, copying it over to my gentoo partitions when I was going to get rid
of my Mandrake partitions.  That worked fine.  Later, I fetched the
precompiled binary version off the LILO home site, and use it.  Last time
I tried the Gentoo LILO package, it still wouldn't compile, even with -m32
in my CFLAGS.  However, Gentoo's 32-bit support on AMD64 is improving by
leaps and bounds, so I'll have to try it again soon.  If it doesn't work
now, I'm hoping it will by 2005.1, which is the target for full LSB
multilib support.

> OT: Found out that my PSU cables can't reach the ATX/P4 sockets... grrr!
> And everything was closed down today (easter celebration)... hopefully I
> will find extension cabling tomorrow... I wanna start compile stuff...
> and hear the silence (the previous box was a real PITA when it comes to
> noise levels)

Nothing so frustrating as getting new hardware and not being able to play
with it because you're missing an adaptor or something!

BTW, be sure you have a good solid power supply.  The cheap one that comes
with most cases often isn't even UL listed, and won't put out the power it
claims, sometimes by surprisingly large margins, so if that's what you are
using and the machine isn't stable, that's one of the first things to
check, buying a decent one, that's UL listed for plenty of power.

Of course, you may know this already, but I'm just saying, because the
good ones usually have cables plenty long.  Thus, it might be better just
to get a whole different power supply.  Since you already have your board,
make note of any special additional power connectors it may have and get a
power supply that matches, and has plenty of power.  A good power supply
won't be cheap.  You're looking at about US$200 or so, altho for a single
CPU unit with only a single hard drive, CD/DVD-ROM not burner, only a
stick or two of memory, an ordinary video card, and not too many fans,
$100-150 might do it.

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