Tres Melton wrote:

>       I was reading the minutes of the gcc summit and it seems that the
> register allocator is going to get reworked again.  Although it will be
> quite sometime for any changes to make their way down to us users when
> they do is that going to mean a complete rebuild of our systems?  If a
> function caller places its arguments in one set of registers and the
> callee uses different registers to receive the arguments in there is
> going to be problems.  Well this issue can wait until the compiler gurus
> tell us how to deal with it.

Well, I'll give a brief answer to this one: This isn't an issue. In the
cases were registers are used to pass variables between function the ABI
defines which registers should be used.  Not that registers are always used.

Basically the register allocator just decides which different
temporaries or variables shall be stored in a register at a given point
and which shall be spilled out to memory (though of course any value
which is being currently used by a calculation must be in a register).

Regards, Alastair Murray.
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