On Sat, 2006-01-07 at 21:00 +0100, Jonathan Schaeffer wrote:
> dear list,
> every time I try to update my system, the ebuild gtk+ wants to be merged
> again, going from version 2.6.10-r1 to version 2.8.8 and backward as
> shown here :
> [ebuild     UD] x11-libs/gtk+-2.6.10-r1 [2.8.8]
> why is this ? I experience another problem which might be related. Some
> stable ebuilds (amd64) are failing :
> loading cache ./config.cache within ltconfig
> ltconfig: you must specify a host type if you use `--no-verify'
> Try `ltconfig --help' for more information.
> configure: error: libtool configure failed
> !!! ERROR: x11-libs/gtkDPS-0.3.4 failed.
> Have I broken my system integrity ? I remember having purged my
> package.keywords file from some ~amd64 packages which exist now at
> stable state.
> Texmaker fails on compilation too though it is marked amd64
> Has anyone an idea ?
> Jonathan

The only thing in the main tree that forces a dep on gtk+-2.6* is
libxfcegui4-4.2.2.  You will either have to upgrade that package to one
that works with gtk+ 2.8, or mask gtk+ 2.8 (and not upgrade to gnome
2.12 when it goes stable soon).


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