On Wednesday 18 January 2006 11:40, Michael Ulm wrote:
> 1) spending several hours checking out the ~amd64 packages I
>     emerged, to see if they are available in stable, and which
>     dependencies can then be brought back to amd64. As spare
>     time is a rather scarce resource for me, I don't want to do
>     this unless absolutely necessary
You could (re)move the package.keywords and see what packages get downgraded 
without ~amd64. That should give a good indication.

> 2) Go totally ~amd64. I am slightly worried about system
>     stability in this scenario. Every time the system hiccups
>     my wife tells me that this never happened in Windows...
~amd64 is ment for testing and as such beta software can and will be entered 
in the portage tree. It really depends on your problem solving skills and 
knowledge of portage. If you feel you can deal with this you could try it.

I have more problems with windows then I do running ~amd64 by default. But I 
have to admit that I enjoy solving problems and trying new software so it's 
probably not a good comparison with your demands.

With the current amount of changes to the portage and baselayout packages it's 
probably better to stick with amd64 and use packages.keywords if you don't 
want any trouble.

There is however another option, help Gentoo !
If you've got a ~amd64 package running that's not available in amd64 and it's 
running stable. Let the devs know, write a bugreport, and let them move it to 
This will help the whole Gentoo community, isn't it great :)
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