That's valuable info.  These dual core amd's are on ebay for
'next-to-nothing', pls tell me more, what are the PPC machines, I have
seen PPC to be an option for a Gentoo dist. but didn't know what it is. 

> There's a reason that Itinium was called the Itanic.... It's probably
> the biggest waste of effort Intel and HP have ever embarked on.  Next to
> no-one supports it, and it's special features arn't really all that
> special compared to the average Opteron.  If you want the most
> robust/fastest chipset, Power chips are the way to go.  (Not Power PC
> (PPC), just Power chips).  A workstation running dual Power5 chips would
> more or less obliterate anything you could care to throw at it.
> If you're strictly speaking of the x86 world of chips (Which btw the
> Itanium isn't really more then >85% compatible) then the dual core
> socket 940 opterons are still the best chip, followed by the dual core
> socket 939 Athlon 64s.  If you are running a rack or thirty of blades,
> the difference between the IA64 and the AMD64 heat output and wattage
> ingestion more then pays for itself.  Performance wise, the Opterons are
> also far enough ahead of the Intel offerings to make it worthwhile to
> stick with AMD.
> YMMV and My opinions are my own.
Dr Gavin Seddon
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 
University of Manchester
Oxford Road, Manchester 
M13 9PL, U.K.

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