I agree fully that I would probably be willing to die for the principle
or main idea of freedom of choice, aka not microsoft-monopoly. We see
this in the Student's revolt in China, the freedom fighters in South
Africa (the black panthers, or was that America?), and then the same
thing in America: People like myself without families were willing to
die for ideas that they believed strongly enough in, however people (I
assume Duncan has a family) who had families were not willing to die for
such ideas. Open-source software is not a cause worthy of death, but it
is a representation of the cause: freedom of choice.

On Fri, 2006-09-29 at 16:20 -0700, Richard Fish wrote:
> On 9/29/06, Bob Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Would you go to war, or be willing to die for the "freedom" that open source
> > provides? If not, then equating it with the freedoms that real mean and
> > women have fought and died for is to marginalize the importance the word is
> > meant to convey.
> No, but that is *my* opinion.  However Duncan has stated previously
> that, while he probably wouldn't be willing to die to defend his
> freedom regarding open source software, that he _should_ be willing to
> do so.  So by your standard, *his* use of those terms is really not
> all that far fetched.
> I do agree that the terms are very strong..much stronger than my
> feelings on the subject, which is why I do not use them.  But you
> really should read what Duncan has said previously on this [1].  His
> feelings are very strong on the subject...strong enough to justify his
> use of these terms IMO.
> -Richard
> [1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.amd64/8196

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