> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 11:25 AM
> To: gentoo-amd64@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: How To Play WMV (thread drift -
> slaveryware)
> With Linux, even
> if I can't do it, there are hundreds of thousands of people who could,
> and it would only take a few bucks or a good friend to do it.  It is
> not only possible, easily, but also there is a lot of choice on how to
> do it.  That is the essence of freedom.

That's a very shallow definition of the "essence of freedom," from the
perspective of most end users, your scenario doesn't really change anything.
>From the end users perspective s/he is still dependent on someone else to
make the changes. I wouldn't say having a choice of who to be dependent upon
actually qualifies as "freedom."

> It absolutely is just like a car, or a house, or anything else.  If my
> house could only be modified by the original builder, it would never
> be modified -- I'd never even get a picture hung for want of being
> able to put a nail in a stud.  Now maybe I can't add a drawbridge to
> my house myself, I can't do the welding or design, but my friend
> could, and did.

Analogies suck, software isn't a car, or a house, or anything else, it's
software. If you can't make you're point without analogies, maybe you
haven't thought it through clearly enough.

> There is a HUGE difference between slaveryware and freedomware.

No there's not, they are just hyperbolic words that have little actual
meaning behind them, at least none that can be supported with concrete
reason and logic.

> A
> vital essential difference.  It is why I run Linux myself.

I run Linux also, why else would I be subscribed to this list, I just don't
blindly accept everything that R. Stallman, or the FSF, or anyone else says.
I consider the facts, and look at the reality of the situation, and decide
for myself what opinion to take.

Bob Young

gentoo-amd64@gentoo.org mailing list

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