Thank you very much for sharing.


On this day, 03-August-2007 1:41 AM,  Steve Herber wrote:
The point of Unix has always been to manage resources. In the old days, where you only had a single CPU, the kernel had to time share among all the different processes. The ps command shows you all the different processes. Your system will have many processes.

Once you go to a multiple-cpu system you actually get to take advantage of the original Unix choice of fork/exec to create new processes. Each process can run on a different cpu core. Now instead of timesharing a single core across every process, you can have 2 or 4 processes running on their own core.

In you sample below, I could see apache running on one core, mysql on another, postgres on another, while the applications written in perl, ruby, and php running on the 4th. Of course you will really have hundreds of processes running at a time so all 4 cores will have to timeshare. As others said, you don't get 100% from each new core. There is overhead from the kernel to figure out where to put a process for the next slice and there will be more memory contention because you have 4 CPU's talking to memory. A 4 core system will have almost twice the cpu power of a 2 core system. Most of your processes look like they will be IO bound but when a CPU bound tasks runs, it will only take over one core leaving the other three to handle the IO bound ones.

Your initial issue is cost and rightly so. A 2 core system is cheaper than a 4 core system. If you build equivalent 2 core and 4 core systems then you could test them against you real workload and see if the 2 core system is better. You might discover that you should really have 2 two core systems for the load you have and for redundancy. Or you might discover that you really need to address the IO bottleneck and get multiple SCSI data paths. I would buy a 4 core system with lots of disks. Then I would run a test to benchmark my system, probably just running top to see the 15 minute load average. Then I would use the cpu control software to disable one, two, and then three cores while my normal load was running and I would again look at the 15 minute load average. I would expect to see it rise as the number of CPU's was reduced. My next computer would have the number of cores that met the sweet spot.


Steve Herber    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        work: 206-221-7262
Security Engineer, UW Medicine, IT Services    home: 425-454-2399

On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, P.V.Anthony wrote:

On this day, 02-August-2007 4:58 PM,  Pascal BERTIN wrote:
 P.V.Anthony a écrit :

>  Apps.
>  1. Gentoo linux 64bit
>  2. Apache 2
>  3. MySql
>  4. Postgres
>  5. Qmail
>  6. Pure-ftpd
>  7. Mod_perl
>  8. php
>  9. ruby

 aren't you forgetting the app that you will run the most :

 This one will really benefit from quad core, and during time where you
 will work on the server.
 So, facing such a choice, I would also consider my comfort/time, and
 give quad core a +1.


What I am really interested is, how the server will perform most of the time. Will the instance of the apps go to each core in a balanced way?

From the previous posts, I gather that the amd chip is really good.

I must say that I love the intel drivers for the network and sata. If only amd has some chip sets for their own cpus and good open source drivers for their chip sets. Intel has that covered and I think the intel drivers are open source.

Please correct me if I am wrong.


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