Duncan wrote:
> Chris Brennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Fri, 29 Feb 2008
> 12:24:15 -0500:
> [Duncan wrote...]
>>> Hmm... so what about /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so ?  Here, it's a symlink
>>> pointing to libqt-mt.so.3, a symlink pointing to libqt-mt.so.3.3, again
>>> a symlink, pointing at libqt-mt.so.3.3.8, which is the actual
>>> shared-object library file.
>> the point was the error msg from the emerge output about wrong format.
> The problem is, "wrong format" can mean symlink pointed at nothing, in some
> contexts.  If the target file doesn't exist...
> It can also mean it's for some reason it's pointed at a text file, or a
> file of the wrong bitness, or a file-system corrupt file, or..., which
> is what the next part is about.
>>> If you have a valid set of symlinks, pick any one of them and see what
>>> readelf -h says about it.  If the class entry (right under magic) is
>>> anything other than ELF64, then you have a corrupted library and
>>> probably need to remerge qt (be sure you remerge qt3 not 4, if you have
>>> it merged as well).  If it's ELF64 and appears to be readable, then you
>>> have other deeper problems.
>> I have re-emerged qt-3 numerous times, here is the output of readelf
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ readelf -h /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3.3.8 ELF
>> Header:
>>   Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>>   Class:                               ELF32
> That's the problem right there.  It's trying to link a 32-bit library
> into (presumably, since this is the amd64 list/group) a 64-bit
> ELF binary.  That's just not going to work, period, and remerging
> the 64-bit qt isn't going to correct the problem either (unless it
> overwrites the file, which it obviously doesn't if you've tried it
> already).
> That's progress.  Now, we need to find out if any packages you have
> merged, probably emul-linux-x86-* packages since that's where the
> 32-bit stuff comes from unless you are running a full 32-bit chroot,
> and I've no indication of that.
> equery belongs libqt-mt.so.3.3.8
> I didn't use the path, since lib and lib64 are normally symlinked
> one way or the other on amd64, and if you searched by path, you'd
> need to search for both paths.
> Here, I get one (just one) entry, but I'm running no-multilib since
> I don't do binary-only and that's about the only reason one might
> have for 32-bit.
> [ Searching for file(s) libqt-mt.so.3.3.8 in *... ]
> x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r4 (/usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3.3.8)
> So it's the 64-bit qt package that owns it, here.  What about
> there?  Do two packages own it and do both point at the same
> file, possibly thru different directory/symlink paths?  None?
> If none it's an orphaned file and you /should/ be able to remove
> it safely, but you may want to move it somewhere out of the
> library search path but keep it around for awhile just in case.
> If only the 64-bit package points to it, same thing, but
> remerge the 64-bit qt afterward, and I frankly don't know why
> remerging it with that file in place didn't fix the problem.
> If one and it's 32-bit, then you have a problem with the
> lib-linking search path.  First, check for updates to the 32-bit
> emul-linux-* package and try that if there are any.  Else there
> are ways to fix it but you'll need to get someone with more
> knowledge in the field to help, as I never had the problem on
> multilib myself and now am 64-bit only so haven't bothered with
> the details.
> If two, and both paths point to the same thing, it's something
> portage's config-protect FEATURE should have caught if you
> have it enabled.  Again, check for updates on the 32-bit
> package and try them first, then seek further help, but in
> this case it's a bug that should either be in Gentoo's bugzilla
> already or that you can file if not.

app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-qtlibs seems to have been the culprit, I
don't need it for anything that I can tell. It's been removed for now
and I have moved on to building the app I intended to build when all
this started (which was The Gimp). As of the writing of this, it is
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