Hello, I´m did install UtutoXS2007 (based on Gentoo 2007), FreeBsd, and I don´t 
have this problem. Generally the USB key when exec the post the same is (sd0) 
and boot, then of boot the usb key, (sd0) is the principal Hard Disk, NOT THE 
USB KEY, this pass of (sd0) to (sd1).

Kingston 512Mb

copy grub to /boot/grub and exec grub
> root (sd0,0) =>where is the boot partition en USB
> setup (sd1) => then that change de sdx number to sd1.
> quit
This mode I have not any problem.

Sorry by my english ;)

Hernán López Pardo

"Yo soy argentino, por eso uso Ututo en mi PC."
"Cara no es la ciencia; cara es la ignorancia."
BERNARDO A. HOUSSAY - (1887-1971)

"No sigas mis pasos, no seas sombra de nadie; aprende de mis pasos y sigue tu 
DANIEL O. FERREYRA - (1967-2???)

--- El mié 30-abr-08, Raffaele BELARDI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> Asunto: [gentoo-amd64] boot Gentoo from USB key
> Para: "gentoo-amd64" <gentoo-amd64@lists.gentoo.org>
> Fecha: miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008, 3:43 am
> In the process of building an amd64 diskless box, I am
> trying to make a
> bootable USB key with no success up to now.
> The first problem I encountered was related to ext2/vfat. I
> initially
> tried to format the key as ext2, but grub refuses to
> install on it. Even
> though I copied the /boot/grub/* directory into the key,
> and I see it is
> there, grub does not see it. The problem does not happen
> with vfat.
> So I worked around that and created two partitions in the
> key, a small
> vfat for the /boot and a 2Gb ext2 for the /. I copied the
> stage3 into
> the / with no problem. In the /boot I put the kernel image
> which I am
> already using on the same box, for now with discs still
> connected. All
> the modules are compiled in.
> When I boot from the key, grub enters the shell (although I
> did create
> the grub.conf and menu.1st, so I don't understand why
> it doesn't show
> the menu). I manually specify the kernel file location and
> root
> parameter:
> > kernel /linux-2.6.24-gentoo-r4 root=/dev/sdg1
> > boot
> The kernel starts to load, but panics because it is unable
> to find the
> root partition. When it stops it shows the available
> partitions, these
> include all the hard disk partitions but no USB key
> partition. In fact,
> if I omit the 'root' parameter from the grub shell
> the boot works fine
> but it uses the hard disk root partition instead of the USB
> one.
> >From the log on the screen the USB controller seems
> correctly detected,
> so I don't understand why it is not finding the root.
> While writing this
> one idea comes to my mind, maybe it is failing because I
> attach the key
> to a SDC/MMC/USB card reader? This evening I'll try to
> plug it into a
> different USB slot.
> Any other ideas welcome.
> raffaele
> -- 
> gentoo-amd64@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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