On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Bob Sanders <rsand...@sgi.com> wrote:
> Morgan Wesström, mused, then expounded:
>> >>
>> > I answered that initially. Grub does not support ext3 or ext4.
>> >
>> # mount | grep boot
>> /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw,noatime)
>> GRUB working fine with ext3 here...
>> /Morgan
> For now.  Grub supports ext2.  It may or may not work properly
> with journaled file systems, depending upon phase of the moon,
> current tide level, etc.
> Grub 2.0 is supposed to have much more solid support.  But it's not
> ready yet.
> So why actively try to break it, when it's known that it's not solid
> with journaled file systems and isn't going to be fixed?  Ext4 is
> new, grub only needs a small partition - 128 MB or less.  And it's
> only for booting the system.  Why is there a need for all the overhead
> of a journaled file system for grub?

Added feature in .29 is support for journalless ext4 partitions, makes
it far more interesting as a boot partition.


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