Paul Hartman <> posted, excerpted
below, on  Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:34:55 -0600:

> there is a kde4 version of k3b masked...
> I was able to completely be rid of KDE3, I think I only really had 3 KDE
> programs outside of the main KDE tree, k3b, k9copy, and Amarok. All have
> KDE4 versions in testing or release.

Is there a kde4 version of kaffeine available?  k3b is one I wasn't aware 
of that I thought I'd need to keep kde3 around for, but I use kaffeine an 
awful lot as well.

And significantly more obscure and if it's the only one I can simply use 
the CLI version, but what about kstreamripper?  A kde4 version of that 
would be nice as well.

But... while I have kde-4.2 merged now, I've not yet played with it (I'm 
hoping to start this weekend, hopefully later today).  As customized as I 
have my 3.x setup, I expect it'll take some time to get 4.x to anything 
like the same usability, so I expect I'll keep kde3 installed for some 
time yet, very possibly until 4.3 which I think is another six months 
out.  Meanwhile, if 4.2 is simply usable enough I can actually run it 
much of the time and /start/ customizing it, if khotkeys, multiple 
monitors, etc, actually work as they are supposed to in 4.2, it'll be a 
big change for the better, as 4.1 was simply unusable for me due to that, 
and 4.0 was even more so.  So if I can actually run it well enough to 
just start the customization, and I can actually get far enough in doing 
so that it's worth keeping the customizations instead of throwing them 
away and starting over again with 4.3, I'll be a very happy camper, as 
it'll be serious progress indeed!  So anyway, while having kde4 versions 
of the above programs will certainly help in the transfer, I expect I'll 
still have kde3 merged for quite some time, so no big hurry, just yet.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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