On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Tom <uebersh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi List,
> Doesn't really belong here, but security seems dead, so...
> I'm planning on encrypting a 1TB usb-disc that I have, for
> preserved storage.
> I've been reading a lot about fde and the other various
> approaches towards encryption, and most of them do much more than I
> really need/want. I don't need plausible deniability, and I don't need
> a fully encrypted OS.
> I do however have certain usage scenarios, for my setup.
> As mentioned above, the disk I want encrypted is a usb device, so it's
> removable.
> This among other things requires the encryption method to be usable
> from multiple machines but also from multiple OSes (Windows and Linux).
> Now from what I've been reading, there are basically two ways of doing
> this. TrueCrypt and dm-crypt together with freeotfe on windows.
> The main issue is obviously the filesystem.
> As far as I understand it, both methods work 'atop' any filesystem that
> the underlying OS supports.
> Because I want both windows and linux support, this would mean vfat,
> ntfs, or ext2(3,4??).
> Now as I run x86_64 for both linux and windows I'm not to sure about
> all this.
> I have a working ext driver running in read-only mode under windows,
> but I wouldn't know how well it'll play when using encryption.
> There are two possibilities I know of, http://www.fs-driver.org/ and
> http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net/index.htm, me using the latter due to
> problems I had with the first due to 64bit compatibility.
> Another mayor question is dataloss.
> The usb-disc has 1TB, would it make sense to maybe have more than one
> partition, both from a performance and reliability standpoint?
> Has anyone here a similar setup/usage of disc-encryption?
> Any thoughts on the matter?
> Tom

I've used ext2/3 drivers in 32-bit windows and it worked fine...
64-bit windows is a crapshoot, there's so much stuff that doesn't
support it.

I use dm-crypt for backup DVDs (full disc, not
container-on-unencrypted-disc), I once tried to mount one using
freeotfe (i think?) in Windows, and at the time (years ago) it was
unable to mount a CDROM like that and I never tried it again. I
haven't tried a hard drive.

For now I mount it in linux and access it from windows over the
network. (VPN from windows to linux box + samba/cifs/whatever)

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