I thought I had cracked my problem of writing to a usb external ntfs HD, but I 
was wrong.  Let me pose the problem and hopefully somebody out there will be 
able to set me straight.
I have mp3 files on an internal HD in my gentoo box. I back this up to an 
external usb HD formated for ext2 - no problems.
I have now bought another external HD which I want to copy my mp3's to and be 
able to play them when the external HD is plugged into a vista machine.
So the HD is formated with ntfs and works with vista but when I plug it into 
gentoo and mount either automatically or manually I can not write to the 
disk. I just get an error message as a user -- "Unable to enter 
file:///mnt/external. You do not have access rights to this location."
As root the permissions seem to be correct user=root,Group=root,Owner Can View 
& Modify Content but if I try as user to create a folder I get "Could not 
make folder /mnt/external/New Folder." message.

So the question is:- How do I get an external usb disk to be writable on 
gentoo and vista?

Thanks for any help
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