> > Hi,
> >
> > what is needed for read/write access on ext4 disk ?
> >
> > My current fstab entry:
> >
> > /dev/mapper/hate /mnt/hate ext4 noatime,noexec,nodev,noauto,user 0
> > 0  
> Should work. Mine is similar:
> /dev/mapper/cryptoraid  /mnt/raid       ext4
> defaults,noatime,noauto,user_xattr      0       0
> (I'm not an authority and my options could be stupid, but it works)
> I think if you have permission, the partition is clean (properly
> unmounted), it should be read/write unless you tell it otherwise.

Whats user_xattr ??

Anyway, if my entry 'should' work, do I maybe just need to chmod the
/mnt/hate dir?? I seem to recall needing todo something like this in
the past...

Seeing that you are also dealing with an encrypted volume, it the drive
a fixed or portable one?

Here I have an usb-drive, with one partition encrypted. After posting, I
plugged it in, only to be greeted by a 'encrypted volume detected'
message, with a password promt. I don't use gnome or kde,so I was quite
surprised. (I use thunar).

Anyway, I figured that it would take care of
mounting the thing (it being hal) making my fstab entry irrelevant.

However, I wasn't able to test, cause for what ever reason, my password
does not get accepted, neither at this promt, nor when doing this
manually. Has this ever happened to you?? I'm 100% certain that I'm not
misstyping, and I 100% wrote the password down correctly... :( 
No data lost, as I was still setting things up, but this is quite


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