On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Tom <uebersh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Anyway, if my entry 'should' work, do I maybe just need to chmod the
> /mnt/hate dir?? I seem to recall needing todo something like this in
> the past...

Yeah, check the permissions of the /mnt/hate after it is mounted, it
may change from what it was before mount (it takes on the
characteristics of the mounted partition). If it won't mount then
maybe the encrypted volume is not set up right.

> Seeing that you are also dealing with an encrypted volume, it the drive
> a fixed or portable one?

That particular one is a RAID5 of fixed discs but I have used the same
technique for external drives as well as burning encrypted DVDs for
backups. I run cryptsetup to define the "cryptoraid" device and then i
just use a normal "mount /mnt/raid" command to mount it.

> Here I have an usb-drive, with one partition encrypted. After posting, I
> plugged it in, only to be greeted by a 'encrypted volume detected'
> message, with a password promt. I don't use gnome or kde,so I was quite
> surprised. (I use thunar).

I don't know about that... I just manage mine from commandline :) I
would try ignoring the automatic-helpful-gui stuff until you ensure it
is working manually. Its idea of "encrypted" and yours  (and reality)
may be totally different.

> Anyway, I figured that it would take care of
> mounting the thing (it being hal) making my fstab entry irrelevant.
> However, I wasn't able to test, cause for what ever reason, my password
> does not get accepted, neither at this promt, nor when doing this
> manually. Has this ever happened to you?? I'm 100% certain that I'm not
> misstyping, and I 100% wrote the password down correctly... :(
> No data lost, as I was still setting things up, but this is quite
> shocking...

Here is the command I use for creating/opening an encrypted volume:

sudo cryptsetup -c aes -s 256 -h sha256 -y create [mycrypt]

where [mycrypt] is the desired name of your encrypted device ("hate"
in your case) and [your-encrypted-device] is /dev/sdg1 or whatever
your USB device/partition is. And of course the cipher and hash
settings are whatever you used. After that you can simply mount it
like normal.

When I'm done, I unmount like normal, then:

sudo cryptsetup remove mycrypt

and then eject the device or whatever.

For creating encrypted DVDs, I first use dd to make an empty .iso file
roughly the size of a DVD (either 4700000 1k blocks for single-layer
or 8500000 1k for dual-layer) and then use losetup to create a
loopback device out of it. After that the cryptsetup to make an
encrypted device, and then mkisofs to create the image directly to the
encrypted device. Then I unmount it all and burn the .iso image to a
blank disc just like normal (burning software may complain that it's
an invalid image -- ignore that). Then to read the disc, just use the
dvd-rom drive as your device in cryptsetup, etc.

HTH :)


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