On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 14:16, Volker Armin
Hemmann<volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Freitag 12 Juni 2009, Alex Alexander wrote:
> Do I need to remind you that kde's own documentation once said that you should
> install into /opt? into its own directory?
> Maybe that changed, but the 'not designed for' is not correct.

the whole problem arises with multiple versions. By saying Gentoo
Thing i was talking about multiple simultaneous installations, not the
default prefix.

> and without prefix, you can not have multiple versions.
> hmmm...

yes obviously :)

> I give you an example:
> KDe 3.4 is installed, you want to try 3.5, you install it and switch when you
> are ready. After an hour you realize that 3.5.0 is very buggy, no problem, you
> just log in back to 3.4.
> ...
> Now, tell me, is that usefull for users or not?
> And until recently it was the default.

its useful, but buggy, thats the whole point of that ewarn.

>> imho its better to just keep binary packages of stuff you've installed.
>> if your update fails and you need your system asap, you just emerge
>> your binaries back in no time :) no cp'ing or other strange
>> out-of-portage stuff
> binary packages don't help you with your config changes or ither stuff you put
> into the tree.

they still help if the update breaks your system =]
you should keep ~/.kde4 backups manually anyway :)

Alex Alexander || wired
Gentoo QT && KDE Herd Tester

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