I think one of my drives is on its way out, tho I've never seen a
drive fail like this before.  Drive is a year old WD 640G & I use it
as my system drive. Via SMART, I've been doing daily short & weekly
long tests since I installed it.  Starting last week I woke up to my
keyboard lights blinking and the sound of the heads thrashing & the
drive repeatedly attempting to spin up.  On my desktop the mouse was
still moving but any command (dmesg, less /var/log/messages) resulted
in an IO error.  I restarted the computer and everything came up fine.
 I dug through the logs but there were no IO errors of any sort to be
found.  All I could see was that the extended SMART test successfully
started (from smartd.log):

Jun  6 03:10:31 void smartd[5056]: Device:
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD6400AAKS-22A7B0_WD-WMASY0830809, starting
scheduled Long Self-Test.

But then it failed to complete (from smartctl -a):

# 7  Extended offline    Interrupted (host reset)      50%      7699         -

None of the other SMART attributes indicate any other potential.  I
used my computer with no problems all week thinking perhaps it was a
fluke.  This morning I woke to an similar situation as last week.  The
smartd log indicated that the extended test had started, but oddly
enough smartctl has no record of the test starting.

I'm going to purchase a replacement drive today.  My data is backed up
but the entire system is not, if it completely failed I'd need to do a
re-install & would prefer to avoid that.  I understand SMART can't
detect every sort of drive failure, is this possibly one of those
situations?  I'd like to get the manufacturer to replace the drive,
but I suspect I'll need something more concrete than a 'failed
extended SMART test' to convince them of this.  Any suggestions?  At
the very least I'll be giving it a couple passes of badblocks -vw.


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