On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Florian
Philipp<li...@f_philipp.fastmail.net> wrote:
> Wil Reichert schrieb:
>> I think one of my drives is on its way out, tho I've never seen a
>> drive fail like this before.  Drive is a year old WD 640G & I use it
>> as my system drive. Via SMART, I've been doing daily short & weekly
>> long tests since I installed it.  Starting last week I woke up to my
>> keyboard lights blinking and the sound of the heads thrashing & the
>> drive repeatedly attempting to spin up.  On my desktop the mouse was
>> still moving but any command (dmesg, less /var/log/messages) resulted
>> in an IO error.  I restarted the computer and everything came up fine.
>>  I dug through the logs but there were no IO errors of any sort to be
>> found.  All I could see was that the extended SMART test successfully
>> started (from smartd.log):
>> Jun  6 03:10:31 void smartd[5056]: Device:
>> /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD6400AAKS-22A7B0_WD-WMASY0830809, starting
>> scheduled Long Self-Test.
>> But then it failed to complete (from smartctl -a):
>> # 7  Extended offline    Interrupted (host reset)      50%      7699         
>> -
>> None of the other SMART attributes indicate any other potential.  I
>> used my computer with no problems all week thinking perhaps it was a
>> fluke.  This morning I woke to an similar situation as last week.  The
>> smartd log indicated that the extended test had started, but oddly
>> enough smartctl has no record of the test starting.
>> [...]
> Do I understand you correctly: It happended both times when the long
> SMART test started? Can you actually trigger the behavior by forcing
> such a test?

Seems to be the case, yes.  I'm not going to attempt another long test
until I've migrated everything off it tho =)


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