Sebastian Beßler <> skribis:
> The last reason I stick with kde 3.5.10 for a while is that working with
> kde 4.x just doesn't feel right. Switching to kde4 is like switching to
> a completly different DE. KDE 4 isn't kde anymore, it is something
> absolutly different that calls itself kde.

A few months ago, having used KDE4 for a bit and sensing what was
ahead, I pre-emptively dumped KDE and now run just fluxbox and rox
pinboard (which I was running in place of the KDE3 wm and desktop,

I don't know why I should adapt to the software, rather than the other
way around. It's not really a Gentoo problem that other projects won't
settle on a basic plan and stick with it, and I'm glad Gentoo hasn't
been like that.

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