Akos Szalkai posted on Tue, 25 Aug 2009 16:31:13 +0200 as excerpted:

>> I did that, and I do have a few KDE things in world.  My question is,
>> how do I fix that?  I am nervous about editing /var/lib/portage/world
>> directly.  Is there some other, better way?
> Don't be nervous about it, I've been doing it for a long time. :)  Make
> a backup copy before though, just to be sure.
> And don't remove all KDE stuff from world, just the 4.2 versioned ones
> (like kde-base/kde-meta:4.2).
> Actually, I did not know there was a wiki page about it, so after
> meeting the blocks, I just removed all KDE-4.2 packages and installed
> kde-meta:4.3.

Editing the world and indeed world_sets file, really isn't a big deal, 
especially for deleting, as long as you delete the entire line.

Adding gets a bit more complicated, but even that isn't too bad, as long 
as you're careful to get the full package category and name correct, and 
append the :slot info if necessary.  However, while I do still hand-edit 
the (much smaller) world_sets file, I haven't hand-edited the world file 
in ages, preferring to let portage do it with emerge -C to unmerge for 
removing lines.  For adding lines, same thing, only since my emerge 
scripts add --oneshot by default (so I never have to worry about dirtying 
my world files), I do a remerge with --noreplace (and without -1) to 
actually add packages to the world file if I want them there.  That 
doesn't remerge the package due to the --noreplace, just asks me if I 
want to add the package to the world file, which I do, at that point.

Actually, my script invocation for the add is eaa <pkg>, for emerge --ask 

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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