On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like emerge -epv @system to be a fairly contained set of
> packages. (If possible like it was when I first built the system a
> mere 5 weeks ago...) It seems out of control on my system these days
> as it wants to emerge 242 packages. One major contributor is not using
> a global -cups use flag in make.conf which would reduce it to 178.
> That was added to figure out why Gnome didn't see Sups printers at
> all. Sure, I would then have to turn on cups for certain packages but
> that's OK with me. However I still see cairo, icedtea-bin, virtual
> java stuff, alsa-libs, and a bunch of x11-proto files so it doesn't
> feel like @system stuff to me
> 1) Where is the 'system' or '@system' specification on my machine?
> 2) If you folks run emerge -epv @system then how machine packages do you see?

I believe it all depends on the profile you're using. If you're using
a desktop profile maybe that's why it's calling in GUI toolkits and

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