Good stuff. I'll snip out the less important to keep the response
shorter but don't think for a second that I didn't appreciate it. I

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 2:43 AM, Duncan <> wrote:
> Mark Knecht posted on Thu, 01 Apr 2010 11:57:47 -0700 as excerpted:
> Making the titles different is a very good idea.  It's what I ended up
> doing too, as otherwise, it can get confusing pretty fast.
> Something else you might want to do, for purposes of identifying the
> drives at the grub boot prompt if something goes wrong or you are
> otherwise trying to boot something on another drive, is create a (probably
> empty) differently named file on each one, say grub.sda, grub.sdb, etc.

I'll consider that, once I get the hard problems solved.
>> Roughly speaking 1TB read at 100MB/S should take 10,000 seconds or 2.7
>> hours. I'm at 18% after 28 minutes so that seems about right. (With no
>> errors so far assuming I'm using the right command)
> I used the -w switch here, which actually goes over the disk a total of 8
> times, alternating writing and then reading back to verify the written
> pattern, for four different write patterns (0xaa, 0x55, 0xff, 0x00, which
> is alternating 10101010, alternating 01010101, all ones, all zeroes).

OK, makes sense then.

I ran one pass of badblocks on each of the drives. No problem found.

I know some Linux folks don't like Spinrite but I've had good luck
with it so that's running now. Problem is it cannot run the drives at
the same time and it looks like it wants at least 24 hours to do the
whole drive so using it would take 3 days. I will likely let it run
through the first drive (I'm busy today) and then tomorrow drop back
into Linux and possibly try your badblocks on all 3 drives. I'm not
overly concerned about losing the install.

> [8 second spin-down timeouts]
>> Very true. Here is the same drive model I put in a new machine for my
>> dad. It's been powered up and running Gentoo as a typical desktop
>> machine for about 50 days. He doesn't use it more than about an hour a
>> day on average. It's already hit 31K load/unload cycles. At 10% of 300K
>> that about 1.5 years of life before I hit that spec. I've watched his
>> system a bit and his system seems to add 1 to the count almost exactly
>> every 2 minutes on average. Is that a common cron job maybe?
> It's unlikely to be a cron job.  But check your logging, and check what
> sort of atime you're using on your mounts (relatime is the new kernel
> default, but it was atime until relatively recently, say 2.6.30 or .31 or
> some such, and noatime is recommended unless you have something that
> actually depends on atime, alpine is known to need it for mail, and some
> backup software uses it, tho little else on a modern system will, I always
> use noatime on my real disk mounts, as opposed to say tmpfs, here).  If
> there's something writing to the log every two minutes or less, and the
> buffers are set to timeout dirty data and flush to disk every two
> minutes...  And simply accessing a file will change the atime on it if you
> have that turned on, thus necessitating a write to disk to update the
> atime, with those dirty buffers flushed every X minutes or seconds as well.

Here is fstab from my dad's machine which racks up 30
Load_Cycle_Counts and hour:

# NOTE: If your BOOT partition is ReiserFS, add the notail option to opts.
LABEL="myboot"          /boot           ext2            noauto,noatime  1 2
LABEL="myroot"          /               ext3            noatime         0 1
LABEL="myswap"          none            swap            sw              0 0
LABEL="homeherb"        /home/herb      ext3            noatime         0 1
/dev/cdrom              /mnt/cdrom      auto            noauto,ro       0 0
#/dev/fd0               /mnt/floppy     auto            noauto          0 0

# glibc 2.2 and above expects tmpfs to be mounted at /dev/shm for
# POSIX shared memory (shm_open, shm_unlink).
# (tmpfs is a dynamically expandable/shrinkable ramdisk, and will
#  use almost no memory if not populated with files)
shm                     /dev/shm        tmpfs
nodev,nosuid,noexec     0 0

On the other hand there is some cron stuff going on every 10 minutes
or so. Possibly it's not 1 event ever 2 minutes but maybe 5 events
every 10 minutes?

Apr  2 07:10:01 gandalf cron[6310]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 07:20:01 gandalf cron[6322]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 07:30:01 gandalf cron[6335]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 07:40:01 gandalf cron[6348]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 07:50:01 gandalf cron[6361]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 07:59:01 gandalf cron[6374]: (root) CMD (rm -f
Apr  2 08:00:01 gandalf cron[6376]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 08:10:01 gandalf cron[6388]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 08:20:01 gandalf cron[6401]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 08:30:01 gandalf cron[6414]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 08:40:01 gandalf cron[6427]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 08:50:01 gandalf cron[6440]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 08:59:01 gandalf cron[6453]: (root) CMD (rm -f
Apr  2 09:00:01 gandalf cron[6455]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 09:10:01 gandalf cron[6467]: (root) CMD (test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
Apr  2 09:18:01 gandalf sshd[6479]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam
for root from port 51981 ssh2
Apr  2 09:18:01 gandalf sshd[6479]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)

> Note that I don't have #193, the load-cycle counts.  There's a couple
> different technologies here.  The ramp-type load/unload yours uses is
> typical of the smaller 2.5" laptop drives.  These are designed for far
> shorter idle/standby timeouts and thus a far higher cycle count, load
> cycles, typical rating 300,000 to 600,000.  Standard desktop/server drives
> use a contact park method and a lower power cycle count, typically 50,000
> or so.  That's the difference.

I also purchased two Enterprise Edition drives - the 500GB size. They
are also spec'ed at 300K

My intention was to use them in a RAID0 and then back them up daily to
RAID1 for more safety. However I'm starting to think this TLER feature
may well be part of this problem. I don't want to start using them
however until I understand this 30/minute issue. No reason to wear
everything out!

> One thing they recommend with RAID, which I did NOT do, BTW, and which I'm
> beginning to worry about since I'm approaching the end of my 5 year
> warranties, is buying either different brands or models, or at least
> ensuring you're getting different lot numbers of the same model.  The idea
> being, if they're all the same model and lot number, and they're all part
> of the same RAID so in similar operating conditions, they're all likely to
> go out pretty close to each other.  That's one reason to be glad I'm
> running 4-way RAID-1, I suppose, as one hopes that when they start going,
> even if they are the same model and lot number, at least one of the four
> can hang on long enough for me to buy replacements and transfer the
> critical data.

Exactly! My plan for this box is a 3 disk RAID1 as 3 disks is all it will hold.

Most folks don't understand that if 1 drive has a 1% chance of failing
then 3 drives is more like a 3% chance of failing assuming they are
are truly independent. If they all come from the same lot and 1 fails
then it's logically more likely that the other 2 will fail in the next
few days or weeks. Certainly much faster then getting them from
different companies.

>> INFO: task kjournald:5064 blocked for more than 120 seconds. "echo 0 >
>> /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
> [snipped the trace]
> Ouch!  Blocked for 2 minutes...
> Yes, between the logs and the 2-minute hung-task, that does look like some
> serious issues, chipset or other...
> Talking about which...
> Can you try different SATA cables?  I'm assuming you and your dad aren't
> using the same cables.  Maybe it's the cables, not the chipset.

Now that's an interesting thought. n my other machines I used the
cables Intel shipped with the MB. However in this case I couldn't
because the SATA connectors don't point upward but come out
horizontally. Due to proximity to the drive container I had to get 90
degree cables and all 3 drives are using those right now. I can switch
two of the drives to the Intel cables.

That said Spinrite has been running for hours without and problem at
all and it will tell me if there are delays, sectors not found, etc.,
so if it was as blatant a problem as it appears to be when running
Linux then I really think I would have seen it by now. I would have
guessed I would have seen it running badblocks also, but possibly not.

> Also, consider slowing the data down.  Disable UDMA or reduce it to a
> lower speed, or check the pinouts and try jumpering OPT1 to force SATA-1
> speeds (150 MB/sec instead of 300 MB/sec) as detailed here (watch the
> wrap!):
> p_faqid=1337
> If that solves the issue, then you know it's related to signal timing.

Will try it.

> Unfortunately, this can be mobo related.  I had very similar issues with
> memory at one point, and had to slow it down from the rated PC3200, to
> PC3000 speed (declock it from 200 MHz to 183 MHz), in the BIOS.
> Unfortunately, initially the BIOS didn't have a setting for that; it
> wasn't until a BIOS update that I got it.  Until I got the update and
> declocked it, it would work most of the time, but was borderline.  The
> thing was, the memory was solid and tested so in memtest86+, but that
> tests memory cells, not speed, and at the rated speed, that memory and
> that board just didn't like each other, and there'd be occasional issues
> (bunzip2 erroring out due to checksum mismatch was a common one, and
> occasional crashes). Ultimately, I fixed the problem when I upgraded
> memory.

OK, so I have 6 of these drives and multiple PCs. While not a perfect
test I can try putting a couple into another machine and building a 2
drive RAID1 just to see what happens.
> So having experienced the issue with memory, I know exactly how
> frustrating it can be.  But if you slow it down with the jumper and it
> works, then you can try different cables, or take off the jumper and try
> lower UDMA speeds (but still higher than SATA-1/150MB/sec), using hdparm
> or something.  Or exchange either the drives or the mobo, if you can, or
> buy an add-on SATA card and disable the onboard one.
> Oh, and double-check the kernel driver you are using for it as well.
> Maybe there's another that'll work better, or driver options you can feed
> to it, or something.

The kernel driver is ahci. Don't know that I have any alternatives
when booting AHCI from BIOS, but I can look at the other modes with
other drivers and see if the problems still occurs. That's a bit of
work but probably worth it.

This is all a big table of experiments that eventually limit the
problem to a single location. (Hopefully!)

> Oh, and if you hadn't re-fdisked, re-created new md devices, remkfsed, and
> reloaded the system from backup, after you switched to AHCI, try that.
> AHCI and the kernel driver for it is almost certainly what you want, not
> compatibility mode, but that could potentially screw things up too, if you
> switched it and didn't redo the disk afterward.
> I do wish you luck!  Seeing those errors brought back BAD memories of the
> memory problems I had, so while yours is disk not memory, I can definitely
> sympathize!

As always, thanks for the help. I'm very interested, and yes, even a
little frustrated! ;-)


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