Daiajo Tibdixious posted on Thu, 16 Sep 2010 07:29:11 +1000 as excerpted:

> I run firefox-bin with a large applet that plays music and other sounds.
> I have it started via KDE run 'aoss firefox-bin'. When the applet is
> running I can't get sound in mplayer. If I exit the applet, while
> firefox is still running, I can then get sounds. Is there a way to get
> sound in the applet and mplayer at the same time?

I run 64-bit firefox, not firefox-bin, and while I run kde, I had 
absolutely /no/ idea what "aoss" was until I just googled it.  It seems 
it's an alsa wrapper script, facilitating the use of alsa's OSS 
compatibility library.  Also, I don't run proprietaryware and pretty much 
all my software is long since upgraded beyond the point at which it'd be 
trying to do exclusive locking.  Based on those caveats, my help is 
obviously going to be limited, but as I see no one else has replied yet, 
perhaps it'll be of at least /some/ help.

First thing, check the aoss manpage.  As I implied, it's not installed 
here, but if you don't have a local manpage, it was the first non-
sponsored hit (the sponsored one isn't even aoss, it's asos, whatever that 
is) on a google.com/linux search for "aoss".

Of immediate interest here was the -32 argument, for 32-bit use on a 
normally 64-bit system.  Given that I believe firefox-bin is 32-bit, this 
is the amd64 list, and I don't see a -32 in your command-line above, that 
could very well have something to do with it.

If that alone doesn't work, the second google-linux hit is an archlinux 
forum post about aoss 32/64-bit issues (for wine in their case).  Just 
skimming the discussion, it appears a bit technical and the suggestions 
may need adapted for use on gentoo, but at least one poster mentions that 
he got it working for him.  There's another 32/64-bit hit on the first 
page as well.

Beyond that, it gets hairy.  One would look at whether you have hardware 
multi-audio-stream mixing and whether dmix is enabled.  One would look at 
the device locking -- OSS devices often had exclusive access locks, and 
that's what your applet might be using, while alsa, thanks to dmix on 
hardware that doesn't support multiple hardware stream mixing, shouldn't 
need them.  One would look at which devices mplayer is accessing -- if 
it's accessing the OSS devices (presumably without locking) and those are 
getting locked by the applet, that'd explain things.  It should be set to 
use the alsa devices instead.

Good luck.  Troubleshooting sound issues like this on Linux has always 
been a challenge, so you'll need patience, some technical ability, and 
possibly a bit of luck.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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