On Wed, 14 Nov 2012 14:18:46 -0500
Frank Peters <frank.pet...@comcast.net> wrote:

> My system is updated daily and I use only the 
> Fvwm window manager (no Gnome or K).

With a similar setup I've had no problems using
evdev. The first step was to unlink xorg.conf.

At that point everything Just Worked. 

If you want an xorg.conf then try using 

    X -configure;

as SU and see what it gives you -- after installing

Q: Do you have any other USB devices on the system?

There may be something else that is hogging the bus
(e.g., flakey flash drive) and causing timeouts with
the KB. Could also be a flakey USB port or keyboard
hardware. In my experience, purely random flakeyness
is more likely to be a hardware issue. 

In any case, I'm happily running with fvwm 2.6.3,
INPUT_DEVICES="evdev", and no xorg.conf whatever.

Steven Lembark                                             3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing                                   St Louis, MO 63110
lemb...@wrkhors.com                                      +1 888 359 3508

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