On Wed, 14 Nov 2012 16:45:27 -0500
Frank Peters <frank.pet...@comcast.net> wrote:

> It's a software problem.  When the keyboard stops I can immediately
> shut down X and it will be working.  The hardware is not the fault.

Could be that the software is getting kicked into a lockup 
state by flakey hardware returning invalid values. Be nice 
if the driver would successfully reject all bad input, but 
there is no guarantee that pushing white noise into it 
won't put it into a locked up state.

And, yes, I've learned that the hard way :-)

Steven Lembark                                           3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing                                 St Louis, MO 63110
lemb...@wrkhors.com                                    +1 888 359 3508

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