Thanks for your note, now system boot with openrc correctly, but absolutely
without network (possibly driver's problem). I'm on an Asus X79

Il martedì 24 novembre 2015, Rich Freeman <> ha scritto:

> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 4:48 PM, mr_L4N <
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Hi, i'm trying to install systemd on a new installation, without openrc.
> >
> > Is it possible to do? There's some guide on the net?
> >
> > I having many problem with correct boot, and network.
> >
> As Duncan suggested you could follow the handbook, and it will work,
> but the sequencing is suboptimal.
> Merging systemd install instructions into the handbook is something on
> my to-do list.
> Looking at my notes the last time I looked at the details you just
> need to pick a systemd profile at the point where you pick a profile.
> Then you need to do these steps before you emerge -u world (the steps
> are in the handbook, but not necessarily in the right order):
> 1. Edit locale.gen and run locale-gen
> 2. Pick your profile with eselect profile
> 3. Run ln -sf /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab   (why this isn't already in
> baselayout is beyond me)
> 4. echo "EST5EDT" > /etc/timezone
> Then when you emerge -u world these settings will get migrated to
> systemd automatically.
> When you're done you just add
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" to your
> /etc/default/grub before running grub2-mkconfig.
> If you're having booting issues it probably has nothing to do with
> systemd itself - that seems like a bootloader/initramfs problem.  I'd
> recommend using dracut and grub2 as they tend to be much smarter about
> such things.
> To get your network running you'll need to enable/start
> systemd-networkd or the network manager of your choice.  If you don't
> want to use networkd then make sure you install your choice of
> networkd before you reboot while you still have a network, or just use
> networkd until you get another network manager installed/configured.
> If you're just using dhcp it doesn't require any configuration.
> You did mention "without openrc" - while being able to install without
> openrc is on the to-do list right now there are still a few packages
> which use openrc instead of sys-apps/gentoo-functions and until these
> are fixed we have openrc in the system set so that it is hard to
> remove.  Once these are fixed then I suspect we'll get to a point
> where picking/installing your service manager/init are just like
> picking your bootloader and kernel.
> You're welcome to follow my notes, but they also include the use of
> btrfs which you may or may not want to use:
> --
> Rich

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