On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 5:17 AM, mr_L4N <serverp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now i've an error during the compilation "4.1.12-gentooError: kernelrelease
> not valid - exceeds 64 characters" then don't create image and System.map

You might want to post more details on what exactly you're doing.  It
sounds like you're trying to build a kernel.  Are you doing it by hand
or using genkernel?  What kernel are you trying to build (what package
are you using, what version, is this an upstream git kernel, etc)?
What steps did you do to cause the error?  What config file are you
using?  Link to build log or attach.  Etc...

This applies anytime you're having a build issue.  No two Gentoo
systems are quite alike so in order to troubleshoot problems people
will need to know what you're doing.


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