On Sunday 17 July 2016 15:03:26 Mark Knecht wrote:
> The push to Plasma 5 had me switch to sddm by default instead of kdm. Does
> anyone know how to configure sddm to not advertise all user names on the
> login screen? I.e. - have users type both their user names as well as
> passwords?
> Note that there is discussion in the man pages about a file /etc/sddm.conf
> but it's not installed on my system, I don't see any use flags that would
> apparently change that and there's no obvious documentation on what I think
> is the sddm homepage:
> https://github.com/sddm
> If sddm cannot be configured this way then are there any other Display
> Managers that work this way and work well with KDE?
> Cheers,
> Mark

AFAICT you just have to select the right theme/design for SDDM.  You can do 
that via systemsettings, for example.  It seems you want something like 
Circles or Elarun.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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