On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Marc Joliet <mar...@gmx.de> wrote:
> On Sunday 17 July 2016 15:03:26 Mark Knecht wrote:
> > The push to Plasma 5 had me switch to sddm by default instead of kdm.
> > anyone know how to configure sddm to not advertise all user names on the
> > login screen? I.e. - have users type both their user names as well as
> > passwords?
> >
> > Note that there is discussion in the man pages about a file
> > but it's not installed on my system, I don't see any use flags that
> > apparently change that and there's no obvious documentation on what I
> > is the sddm homepage:
> >
> > https://github.com/sddm
> >
> > If sddm cannot be configured this way then are there any other Display
> > Managers that work this way and work well with KDE?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Mark
> AFAICT you just have to select the right theme/design for SDDM.  You can
> that via systemsettings, for example.  It seems you want something like
> Circles or Elarun.
> --
> Marc Joliet

Thanks Marc. Elarun works and is relatively similar to the older KDM login
as to be familiar. The only weird problem I had was that a mouse double
click doesn't seem to select the whole login name so I have to click in the
box at the end and backspace to get a new name in.

Circles seems to work also but the 'circles' are so obnoxious! Just not the
theme for me. I sort of liked the circles login box a bit better because it
put the Plasma 5 choice right there. I didn't try breeze or maldives yet
but might just to see what they look like.

None the less very happy to have all those names and heads gone!


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