I took a look at FreeBSD and Mozilla, two open-source projects that I
think do a great job, and wrote down some observations. I combined them
with a bunch of information from their sites and from some papers
written about them.

I attached a bunch of conclusions that may be useful in figuring out
some project-wide 2005 goals.
Big picture

- Developers prefer more loosely controlled projects with a flat hierarchy,
        relying on individual autonomy, tacit norms and self-organization rather
        than commands, control and explicit rules [1].
- Projects such as FreeBSD and Mozilla are more similar to Gentoo than projects
        such as Linux, which have a benevolent dictator.
- Community testing is essential for finding and removing bugs [1].
- Tinderboxes are heavily used in Mozilla, less so in FreeBSD [1]. Still,
        in FreeBSD they run twice a day on three different systems. Mozilla's
        tree was closed for check-ins during tinderbox runs for nearly 20% of 
        time in an arbitrarily chosen period for three weeks of October 2002.
        FreeBSD does not close the tree.
- Our Web site has two primary purposes [1]:
        - It _presents_ the project and the product to the outside world;
        - It acts as a _portal_ for developers and everyone else to locate and
                download existing information.
- For both projects, openness is a primary principle [1]:
        - Everyone can download every version of every file;
        - Everyone can monitor files for who made which changes;
        - Test results are free for everyone to see;
        - Nearly all lists are public, and few are moderated;
        - Everyone can report bugs;
        - People with commit rights can technically update any file.
- A key motivation factor for contributors is quickly seeing the results of
        their work [2].
- The release plans are the _only_ plans in FreeBSD and Mozilla [1]. There are
        no plans on more detailed levels and no timetable for the contributions 
        will eventually lead to the next release.
- Mozilla's "Seamonkey Engineering Bible" [3] talks about how to be an effective
                - Dealing with bugs
                        - Add value to each bug before passing it up
                        - Get bugs with high-quality info, and get them to the 
right people
                        - Triage your bug list early and often
                        - Update bugs and give testing info when you check in 
                - Communicating and planning before you check in
                        - Get code reviews
                        - Send pre-check in warnings if your changes affect 
                - Communicating and planning after you check in
                        - Stay highly available for a few hours after any 
                        - If your change breaks the tree:
                                - Acknowledge responsibility
                                - Estimate time to fix
                                - Share your experience, so others don't make 
the same mistake
                        - Watch for feedback about your changes
- FreeBSD has a similar collection of recommendations, although looser [4]. Some
        examples are:
                - Discuss any significant changes _before_ committing
                - When in doubt, ask for review
                - Respect existing maintainers
                - Do not fight in public with other committers; it looks bad
        - They've got some policies that could be useful for both our QA and 
- We need to keep the bureaucracy required to contribute from becoming too
        complicated and time-consuming [1], or we will lose developers, 
        if, as Raymond [5] puts it, are "self-directed egoists."
- On the other hand ... [1]
        - Too few rules can easily lead to low-quality code
        - Too little coordination can lead to parallel, wasted work
- Instead of counting on a large number of strict QA standards, both FreeBSD and
        Mozilla chose to focus on relatively few, highly enforced rules [1].
- FreeBSD and Mozilla both rely on requesting contributors to follow rules of
        conduct rather than technical control mechanisms [1].
- Mozilla has a clear policy for dealing with security bugs [6].
- It is very important for the community to be responsive to questions and
        contributions of newcomers to sustain their interest and encourage their
        continued participation [7]. Experienced developers should remember 
they are
        the learning resources for newcomers.
- When the developer and user communities diverge, when developers are viewed as
        producers and users as customers, the natural system of reciprocal 
        falls apart [8].
- New recruits in Debian are not only encouraged to demonstrate their commitment
        but also to express why they want to join and display technical 
        [9]. In addition, their final test is often filled with a clean, policy-
        compliant and bug-free example of the type of work the applicants 
intend to
        do within Debian, in addition to a series of technical questions.
- Even retiring developers have a final responsibility, as Raymond writes [5]:
        "When you lose interest in a program, your last duty to it is to hand 
it off
        to a competent successor."
- Keeping the developer and user communities close-knit aids bug-fixing [5]:
        "Given a large enough beta-tester and co-developer base, almost every
        problem will be characterized quickly and the fix obvious to someone."
- Be courteous to bug reporters [5]:
        "If you treat your beta-testers as if they're your most valuable 
        then will respond by becoming your most valuable resource."

1. Holck, Jesper, and Jorgensen, Niels. "Do not check in on red: Control meets
                anarchy in two open source projects." Free/Open Source Software
                Development. Ed. Stefan Koch (2004).
2. Jorgensen, N. "Putting it all in the trunk: Incremental software development
                in the FreeBSD open source project." Information Systems 
Journal 11: 321
3. "The Seamonkey engineering bible." Retrieved 9 Jan., 2005, from 
4. "The FreeBSD committers' big list of rules." Retrieved 9 Jan., 2005, from
5. Raymond, Eric. "The cathedral and the bazaar." Retrieved 9 Jan., 2005, from
6. "Handling Mozilla security bugs." Retrieved 9 Jan., 2005, from
7. Ye, Yunwen; Nakakoji, Kumiyo; Yamamoto, Yasuhiro; and Kishida, Kouichi. "The
                co-evolution of systems and communities in free and open source 
                development." Free/Open Source Software Development. Ed. Stefan 
8. Narduzzo, Alessandro and Rossi, Alessandro. "The role of modularity in free/
                open source software development." Free/Open Source Software
                Development. Ed. Stefan Koch (2004).
9. Coleman, E. Gabriella and Hill, Benjamin. "The social production of ethics in
                Debian and free software communities: Anthropological lessons 
                vocational ethics." Free/Open Source Software Development. Ed. 
                Koch (2004).

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