Yes, I'm waiting for the API to be working and stable before continuing to code ... otherwise we'd have to have rewrites every few weeks which would be no fun...

Patrick Lauer wrote:
On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 22:56 -0800, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
[from the attachment:]

Tinderboxes are heavily used in Mozilla, less so in FreeBSD [1].
Still, in FreeBSD they run twice a day on three different systems.
Mozilla's tree was closed for check-ins during tinderbox runs for
nearly 20% of the time in an arbitrarily chosen period for three weeks
of October 2002. FreeBSD does not close the tree.

There have been a few efforts to get a Tinderbox setup going. Karltk and
plasmaroo are only two devs I remember trying to get that set up.

Right now, Portage does not offer a stable API to developers (or so I've
been told multiple times in #gentoo-portage). So any work done right now
will either be on (possibly broken) cvs portage or needs to be
duplicated when that becomes the "new" portage.

I'm interested in getting that functionality in Gentoo, if there is
enough interest maybe another mailinglist would be useful for
coordination and getting it done.

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